Horizon Scanning

Explore our horizon scanning database to discover and prioritize groundbreaking treatments for better healthcare outcomes in Algeria.

image of cancer

Our Mission


At InnoBase, our mission is to identify and highlight emerging therapies that could address unmet medical needs in Algeria. Our horizon scanning database serves as a foundation for discovering innovative treatments, enabling healthcare decision-makers to anticipate and prepare for new therapies. By providing valuable insights, we aim to support the healthcare system in making informed decisions to ensure that groundbreaking treatments become accessible to those who need them most.

Therapeutic Areas

Browse the horizon scanning databases for different areas

Cancer cell icon


 Icon representing Neuropsychiaty


 Icon representing Cardiovascular and respiratory Diseases

Cardiovascular and respiratory Diseases

 Icon representing Infectious Diseases

Infectious Diseases

 Icon representing Endocrinology


 Icon representing Gastroenterology


 Icon representing Rhumatology


 Icon representing Rare diseases

Rare diseases

 Icon representing Other
